
Applying the Law of Attraction to Change Your Life

Applying the Law of Attraction to Change Your Life

What is Law of Attraction?

Law of attraction is actually a pretty simple concept. The law of attraction states that you will attract negative or positive things into your life based on your thoughts. Your most dominant thoughts will manifest in your daily life. Another way to look at law of attraction is in the pseudoscientific way that simply states, like attracts like. If you focus all your energy on positive thoughts, you will bring about positive results and vice versa in regards to negative thoughts.

Law of attraction is not a new concept and has been around for a very long time. Great icons of history such as Plato, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and Mother Theresa, to name a few, have always thought of the law of attraction as a universal law that has been around since the universe began. Napoleon Hill was part of the New Thought Movement and was one of the best-selling authors in the early 20th century with two books published on the topic of law of attraction. He believed that in order to achieve success in life, you must learn to control your thoughts. He believed that if you could control your thoughts and the energy they produced to attract other thoughts, then you could control the course of your life.

The law of attraction is a concept that is still very much alive in today’s society. In recent years the book and the movie, The Secret, gained widespread popularity. The movie teaches viewers what the law of attraction is and how it is always in use. The understanding is that your brain sends out frequencies every time a thought is processed. These frequencies attract frequencies of the same nature. Therefore, if your thoughts are focused around the same things such as landing a new dream job, for example, then it will happen for you. The law of attraction applies to all your thoughts whether they are negative or positive or have to do with your past, present or your future.

Applying Law of Attraction to Your Love Life

Finding the love of your life is not all based on chance or fate. The law of attraction can be applied to the area of love as well. When you first meet someone that you really enjoy being around, you typically can’t get them off your mind. You constantly picture them, hear the sound of their voice and even think about how they smell. When you do this, your subconscious mind is at work and so is the law of attraction. By constantly thinking about this wonderful person, you are invoking loving and positive energy at the same time. This will result in attracting this type of person into your life. The same principle can be applied even if you have yet to meet that special someone. All you have to do is concentrate on the specifics of your perfect mate. For instance, think about what type of job they would have, what color hair they would have, how tall or short they would be, their family background and upbringing, their religious beliefs (if any), their philosophy of life, and so on. The list of attributes that your soul mate might have is endless. By being very clear in what you want in a soul mate and thinking about it over and over, your chances of attracting that same type of person are far greater than if you didn’t think about it at all.

Applying Law of Attraction to Your Dream Job

The same principle applies to finding your dream job. If you are stuck in a dead-end job or a job that you absolutely do not enjoy then you need to start utilizing the law of attraction. Remember, the law of attraction is constantly working even if you aren’t thinking about it. However, you can use the law of attraction in your favor if you know how to use it. For instance, if you want to change your career path and become a trusted family physician, imagine your life as a doctor. Think about what type of practice you would have, the size of the practice, where the practice would be, how much money you would be making, and even the type of life you would have as a result of being a doctor. For instance, what type of house would you be living in, what type of car would you be driving, what would your family and home life be like? The more specific you are about the details of you dream job, the more likely it will be to come true.

Applying Law of Attraction in Your Daily Life

The law of attraction is always working, but you can make it work even better in your everyday life. For instance, if you go to your mailbox and think to yourself, ‘Oh, I probably got mostly bills today,” then most likely when you open the mailbox, it will be filled with bills. However, you can turn that thought process around and think to yourself, ‘Oh, maybe I will have a check in the mail today!’ and when you go to your mailbox, you might just have that check you’d hoped for. Remember, it is never a guarantee that things will happen to you if you wish them to or not. However, you have a better chance at getting what you want out of life by applying the simple principle of law of attraction.

Real Life Example of Law of Attraction

Sarah K.

Sarah is a young woman in her late 20’s and was working multiple jobs to support herself. Her jobs were very unfulfilling and she felt as if she was just working to be able to scrape by. She had no joy in her life, except when she returned home to her loving dog. Sarah’s best friend introduced her to the concept of the law of attraction. Sarah relished at the opportunity to put this concept to work for her to attract the job of her dreams. After about a month of concentrating on the specific details of her dream job, a veterinarian, she was offered a position at a veterinarian hospital part time. She took the job, even though it was doing grunt work at first. She understood that she would have to start at the bottom before she could move up to her actual dream position. She was making enough money to be able to quit her other jobs and go to school part time. Eventually, Sarah got her degree in veterinarian medicine and was offered a full time position at another office as a veterinarian. Sarah constantly thought about herself becoming a successful veterinarian. By implementing a constant positive thought process regarding her career, she attracted her dream job!

If you understand how the law of attraction works then you can apply it in your everyday life. The more successful, healthy, wealthy, and happy you want to be the more you need to think about and focus on it. Sending out positive frequencies through positive thoughts will attract positive results.

“Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” – Benjamin Franklin

This article is written by Ashley Dale for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com


What is Synchronicity and How to Keep it Coming

What is Synchronicity and How to Keep it Coming

If you do a web search for synchronicities you will receive over a million results. There are many opinions, stories and theories to explain these quirky and amazing life events. There are also arguments and explanations that attempt to dismiss these mysterious occurrences as coincidence or happenstance. While all of the theories may be true, none of them are complete.

We are like the six blind men in the Indian fable who were brought together for their first encounter with an elephant. They stood around the elephant, and, because none of them could see, they reached out to touch the animal to get an understanding of what it was like. The first man touched the tusk of the animal and decided that an elephant was like a spear, sharp and smooth. The second man reached out to feel the elephant’s ear. He described the elephant as being very like a palm leaf. The third fellow found the elephant’s tail. He thought the animal was like a rope. Each man described the animal as best he could based upon his own experience and where he was standing at the time. So, too, are the explanations of synchronicities based upon personal experience and where the examiner is in terms of psychological, scientific or spiritual understanding.

Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, first used the word synchronicity to describe similarities between two acausal events. Acausal means that the first event does not cause the second event so that cannot be the explanation for their shared characteristics. Jung’s most famous example of synchronicity involves a patient he was treating who described a very vivid dream she had in which a golden scarab was featured. Just as the patient was recounting her dream, a large beetle appeared in the room. This was a remarkable occurrence because that particular type of beetle was not native to their geographic location, but it was the type of beetle generally represented in scarab carvings. Jung believed that synchronicities were related to dreaming and served a similar purpose. He considered that the inner world (the mind) could influence the outer world (the material). Beyond that, he considered that aspects of the outer world (the universal energy, or collective unconsciousness) could influence the mind.

Jung also believed that synchronicities had parallels to the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. His discussions and interactions with Wolfgang Pauli and Albert Einstein opened the study of synchronicities to serious scientific consideration. Scientists have considered synchronicity in relation to chaos theory, fractal geometry and quantum physics.

Since Jung’s work in the early years of the 20th century, the understanding of the nature of synchronicities has evolved due to input from many spiritual, psychological and scientific examiners.

Spiritual thinkers have focused on synchronicities as direct messages from deceased loved ones, spirit guides or angels.

Early on, students of synchronicities thought that they were rare and profound occurrences. Profound? Yes, they can be stunningly profound. Author, Ray Grasse, offered that synchronicities are pervasive, not rare, and that it is the pervasiveness that is the great profundity.

This is precisely where we want to begin our work with synchronicities. While we will need to be mindful of the science and the theories and the work of others, it is the pervasiveness we seek. We need to see the whole elephant. This is where we find the power in synchronicities. Once we learn to focus our eyes and see all that occurs around us and within us, then we can begin working the Universal Laws. Recognizing the immensity and the interconnectedness of all things is the first level of spirituality. When we are familiar with this we can move on to Attraction, Healing and Manifesting.

*Expect Synchronicities to keep them coming

Paying attention to your synchronicities makes them happen more often.

Start journaling your occurrences. Don’t rely on your memory because you will miss some of them. Some people keep dream journals and just post their synchronicities in them. It may be more helpful to keep a little notebook in your pocket or purse to jot things into. Many incidences will seem very minor and insignificant. You may be walking through the mall and remember a favorite plaid dress you had as a child. You look up at the next store display window and it is full of mannequins wearing plaid dresses. This does not appear to be a life-altering event, and chances are, if you don’t record it quickly, it will pass you by. If you do record it and do remember it, then two days later when your co-worker asks you to join her for dinner along with her husband and her husband’s friend who is visiting from out of town, you will accept the invitation because it seems like the right thing to do. Normally, it may be your practice to avoid blind dates, but there she is standing right in front of you, smiling sweetly and wearing her new plaid dress. Perhaps meeting the out of town friend was the goal of this set of experiences and you are able to recognize the opportunity because you have been paying attention.

*But seriously, why are these things happening?

So, you have been keeping track of your synchronicities, and yes, there are lots of them.

There are far more than you realized and you seem to notice more every day, but the truth is they just aren’t very interesting. You haven’t been able to follow a trail of plaid dresses to a hot date with a new man. You haven’t remembered a set of numbers from a dream and then played them on the lottery to win a pile of money. There is no flash and dazzle. There is nothing to brag about. You don’t even have really good stories to share with your friends. It just seems pointless. It almost looks like the Universe is just playing with you. Well, maybe it is.

Remember, the more your level of awareness increases the more you will begin to experience occurrences and see with increasing levels of clarity. Such clarity may not always come from things that happen to you, but from things that happen within you. When it looks like things are stalling and you think that nothing exciting is happening, that may mean that you are headed for an attitude adjustment. You may be transitioning to a new level of awareness and even more amazing synchronicities. Try not to trip on the elephant.

This article is written by Beverly Mayo for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com


How to Brainwash Yourself into Positive Transformation

How to Brainwash Yourself into Positive Transformation

Brainwashing gets a very bad rap. Bring up the word and cults, bank robberies and suicidal Kool-Aid can automatically come to mind. Although brainwashing has long been viewed with such negativity, the practice can also be used for good things. Like a positive personal transformation.

The term itself can have several slightly different meanings, depending on the context. If you take brainwashing out of the context of trying to control someone else’s beliefs, attitudes and thought processes and rather focus your own, brainwashing simply becomes another term for thought control.

Several techniques used for even the nastiest of brainwashing can indeed produce the most magnificent results when used in a positive manner for your own benefit. There are also several, however, that you may want to avoid unless you’re fond of self-torture.

Techniques to Embrace

Several traditional brainwashing techniques noted by the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences can give you the power and results you’re seeking for a positive personal transformation. The techniques are neither unusual nor scary. They also have the capacity to eradicate negative thoughts and actions and replace them with positive ideas and behavior.

The Power of Suggestion

Much of your negative thinking may have already come from suggestion. Think of how many times someone may have said you were immature, stupid or silly. Sure enough, you may have eventually begun to agree. You, too, started saying you were immature, stupid or silly. Even more surely, you may have then begun to act that way. Alas, the power of suggestion has transformed into reality.

You can reverse the damage and take your suggestions on a more positive path by simply suggesting more positive scenarios. For starters, you are certainly not immature, stupid or silly. You are wise, smart and fun. Keep telling yourself how wise, smart and fun you are and eventually your suggestions may come true with actions and behavior that is wise, smart and fun.

Repetition, Repetition and More Repetition

Suggestion and repetition can go hand in hand as a positive brainwashing technique. You’ll find that out soon enough when you see how many times you need to remind yourself how wise, smart and fun you are before you even think about believing it.

Visuals make for powerful tool, especially those placed where you can constantly see them. Practice your repetition with positive reinforcement techniques that involve sticking little notes on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator or other noticeable areas. Neon note cards work especially well. Everywhere you look you should constantly be reminded how wise, smart and fun you are.

Actions are another helpful way to engage in repetition. That’s why so many people chant. Chant about your wisdom, intelligence and fun. A few rounds of “I am wise. I am smart. I am fun” every morning is a good start. You can also write those same affirmations over and over in a notebook or journal. Constantly seeing and hearing such ideas can eventually result in constant belief in them.

Ego Destruction

Like the term brainwashing, the phrase “ego destruction” can make negative chills go slithering up your spine. That’s your ego talking. Don’t let it. Ego destruction does not have to be used to turn you into a wormy, whimpering and spineless entity. It can instead be used to get rid of the belief that you are this all-important thing far apart from and above the rest of the universe. You are not.

Sure, you are wise, smart, fun and a wonderful element in the universe. But you are not a separate all-powerful entity – at least not after you get rid of that bothersome ego thing. Without the narcissistic ego hanging around telling you how much better than and different from everyone else you are, you can instead fully enjoy the natural flow of things.

Once you realize your ego is largely a loudmouthed boor that lies about your supposed entitlement to things, you are likely to have more patience, compassion and empathy for your fellow man. You might even stop cutting off people in traffic. You may stop killing flies.

Conditioned Behavior

Conditioned behavior has plagued many from the earliest of ages. That’s why there are so many people who get angry, scared or otherwise emotionally overwhelmed by the most minute things. Here you can think back to your childhood and accidentally falling down. The moment you fell, an adult would usually scream. Even if you were not hurt in the fall, you were probably startled by the screaming adult and terrified by the look of fear and horror on his or her face.

So you started wailing uncontrollably. This wail took a firm place in your conditioned behavior. Heck, you still hear it whenever something does not go your way. The same automatic reactions can come from strong emotions. Every time you’re angry, you might yell, for example.

The next time the heavy hand of emotion tries to automatically shake a reaction out of you, stop and think for a moment. Automatic reactions can be quite detrimental. They can also make you look like a jerk. Instead of yelling, screaming, crying or throwing plates because this or that happened, stop and think about what makes you want to yell, scream, cry or throw plates.

If you are reacting in such a way just because that’s how you’ve always reacted, get rid of it. Try something new. Act instead of react. Or simply do nothing at all for a spell until you decide how you want to act in a given situation. If you do come up with an action that works, make that particular action a part of your newly conditioned behavior when you run across the situation again.

You’ll be amazed at the changes that can come from this one.

You may actually be amazed at the changes that come from any of the above brainwashing techniques when they are applied for positive results in a positive manner. Just leave out the disastrous techniques that rarely lead to anything other than bank robberies and suicidal Kool-Aid.

This article is written by Ryn Gargulinski for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com

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