
Mind Power is a Consciousness and Energy for Life

Mind Power is a Consciousness and Energy for Life

Mind power is a consciousness– a sense of interconnectedness with your true self. As humans, we possess an infinite level of skill that benefits us each and every day. Each organ within our active bodies works hard to distribute energy, mana, that assists us every day: the heart filters and pumps blood across thousands of vessels– our physical and instinctual road maps. The liver receives and cleanses toxins that have entered our bodies and effectively flushes them out. We may feel this power through our senses as well; when we lift heavy boxes with muscles, or involuntarily slam on our brakes to rapidly avoid a car accident. However, controlling and intentionally utilizing this skill can drastically improve your self-confidence, self-assurance, and success in life. Mind power is a primal and natural gift that each person is able to access. The brain is our organ that acts as the key to unlocking the door to this power, instead of just feeling it from time to time.

Mind power begins as a seed of intention that is planted in the soil of your body. It is often said that the mind has miracle-making powers. This is true when we act in accordance with what our beliefs are. You can receive the seeds by reflecting inward, and asking yourself questions like: what experiences in your life have shaped you? Where do your passions lie? Who has influenced your decisions? All of these questions are first steps toward recognizing your ability to use mind power, or planting the seeds. Just as a seed begins to emerge with roots that are solid enough to break soil, your intentions and wishes become a force that can withstand any setback. You begin to trust yourself and feel the strength of your internal influence– as long as the soil, your thoughts and body, stays healthy. By continuing to recognize what you truly desire, your foundation to build your abilities is as sturdy as concrete. You may even mentally design your foundation: tall, exquisite ivory pillars for spiritual health and stability, or expansive and wide oak trees for grounding and natural support from Mother Earth. Any moments spent dreaming about your intentions is the time spent tending to your true self and evolving into a beautiful and centered human. Your roots will spread, grow wide, and eventually rise towards the sun.

What will blossom is your capability to transcend barriers. Mind power is more than just one definition of focused intention. It is your own personal experience of success. Any area of your life can benefit from this type of metamorphosis. As your visualizations evolve over time, don’t feel compelled to expect a specific flower or tree to emerge from the soil. Seeds that are planted may not sprout for years. What may look like pea sprouts could actually be your roses you planted months ago. Because those seeds were ready to blossom and grow first, celebrate that monumental change while eagerly anticipating your other intentions. The beginning stages of discovery are the most exciting, while the process can feel mechanical and slow. However, the most permanent changes are occurring under the surface. By taking time and preparing to emerge into our atmosphere, those sprouts are well-nourished and can survive longer. The most transformative moments strike us once the sprouts are visible. Our daily lives feel different; more alive, less stressful, utterly optimistic. For the first time you will access the powerhouse within you– your brain. This journey is yours to design, experience, and enjoy: mind power will change what you thought was possible.

Mind power is a journey unlike any other you will experience in your life, and at the same time it’s a part of everything in your life. Imagine a garden without someone to talk with it, water it and support it. It’s deprived of rich, valuable resources it needs to contribute to the world. If your dreams are these seedlings, how can you ensure that they will bloom? Your soul has incredible ideas and revolutionary moments that are waiting to be planted. The world’s waiting for your message. You can actualize it with ease– the mind power journey leads to this fulfillment.

The methods of reaching mind power, and accessing it, are varied. Because each person has a unique sense of self and perspective, aligning with specific approaches to mind power that enhance your true self multiplies and expands your capabilities. Just like an orchid needs less water than a tree, these considerations must be recognized if you wish to maximize and harmonize your blossoming mind power. Creativity is your central starting point, because it’s a human trait that we are all intrinsically equipped with. All speech– through language, illustration, code, art, leadership, and movement– are some form of creativity. It takes moments of inspiration to express oneself, no matter what form it may be, and that’s the key to cultivating your mind power.

Self-access of mind power is focused toward the individual, including practices such as self-talk, affirmations, and visualizations. Self-talk is any thought that relates to oneself to another person, place, or thing. Common self-talk are thoughts that compare your physical feeling to another moment in time, or comparing your mood to someone else’s perceived mood: “they are much happier than I.” Unfortunately, this practice shuts down mind power. By thinking negatively, it actualizes. Actualizing these thoughts influences your entire self. The Law of Attraction states what you think about you will attract. This natural cycle is one of the most influential forms of mind power. To utilize self-talk in mind power positively, create self-talk thoughts that enhance your strengths. If you feel tired at the moment, think about how energetic you can be. Any image or sentence that creates what you desire to reach for is how you will access transformative mind power. Intention is a magical and powerful tool. If you intend to succeed, you will make the necessary choices to reach success. This law is an integral aspect of mind power. Higher self access includes prayer and spiritual guidance. Many of us feel completely overwhelmed and are unable to focus on the self. It can be taxing to redefine your thoughts, and shifting your focus to a higher power or creator and communicating your affirmations or visualizations in this way can be equally beneficial.

By utilizing mind power to create the best intentions, others will respond kindly and openly in return. After living to honor your true self, you will be able to open up and freely give to others without feeling depleted. If you nourish yourself, you are able to share within your personal relationships. By aligning with the principles in mind power, your entire being will shift into a compassionate and loving atmosphere that radiates from within you. Taking the time to honor yourself, imagine how you may inspire others by sharing the story of your journey to mind power.

Many careers can be based on enjoyment when mind power aligns you with the right decisions and perspectives. Feeling stressed means multiple actions are squaring each other instead of complimenting each other. Your career and work life often square other desires that can contribute to feeling lost or depressed. Plug into your inner self and reflect upon what it is you truly desire for work. Career is an extension of your life purpose. Mind power not only inspires others– it causes a chain reaction that kick-starts a metamorphosis to living your best life. Mind power is accessible at any moment in your life. By focusing on what you would most desire in life, thinking about your intentions, aligning with your true self, and following through with action, any aspect of your life will greatly benefit from the use of mind power.

This article is written by Kayleigh Maijala for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com


Using Mind Power and the Law of Attraction

Using Mind Power and the Law of Attraction

1. The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a very popular way of managing your life as well as the goals that are an everyday part of it. Stating that your dominant thoughts will manifest themselves by accentuating the positive, when followed correctly, the law of attraction can be an extremely powerful belief system. These laws, when properly implemented, will assist you in accomplishing your life long or even daily goals. A very wise man once suggested that we do unto others as we would want done to us. Basically what this tells us, is that if you want something bad enough and follow the very basic Law of Attraction, that you will receive or accomplish it. The most important facet of this belief is that positive thinking will over come all else.

This belief does, however, work both ways and if you find yourself focusing on the negative, your true desires are said not to come to fruition. Belief in the Law of Attraction, will allow you to achieve true greatness, however, if you allow your personal fears to obstruct the manifestation of your greatest desires you will be limiting your true potential. Your accomplishments are only limited by what you believe you can accomplish. If your outlook and belief system are positive, this will work tremendously in your favor, at the same time, negative thoughts will hinder your capabilities.

2. Mind Power

It is a proven scientific fact that human beings only use a mere 10 percent of their brain. This raises a plethora of questions that science has yet to find the answers for, the very basic of which is “What are we doing with the remaining 90 percent of our brain.” It is highly doubtful that 90 percent of the human brain is lying dormant and unused.

Science is quick to discount any theories that they can not prove, however, with 90 percent of our brain’s purpose being unaccounted for, isn’t it quite possible that we just haven’t found a way to prove these theories yet. What will people be capable of once we learn to use the remaining 90 percent of our brains? Perhaps one day these questions will all be answered, until then however, we’ll just have to settle for a measly 10 percent.

The secrets that mind power has to offer are potentially limitless, however, the vast majority of people place limits on the abilities of the human mind. Following the path to unleashing your mind’s true potential can prove one of the most beneficial pursuits that you will ever undertake. Often times people assume that the power of the human mind is limited to what they already know. This is partially true, in terms of feasible actions that the mind is actually capable of. In other words, as far as we presently know, we are incapable of superhuman mental feats. That is not to say that mental capabilities are limited to your present mental abilities. People enhance their mental abilities every day. Okay, maybe I over simplified that. It is possible to strengthen your mental powers well beyond what you perhaps thought was possible. Placing limitations on the mind’s capabilities is not an ideal way to approach developing the powers of your mind, since the expansive qualities of the human mind are often far less limited than we give it credit for. That is to say, that expanding your mind is as simple as increasing your abilities to focus, enhancing your memory and/or your concentration if you follow the correct procedures needed to enhance your mind power.

3. Personal Growth and Transformation

The path to personal success is just that, personal, meaning that there is no cookie cutter formula. Each individual has their own goals and priorities, as well as their own strengths and weaknesses that are all part of their inherent personality. Each person defines success in their own way, regardless, there is one goal that is shared by all who are trying to achieve person success, self-knowledge. Most people are stuck on other peoples ideas of what success is and completely neglecting their own ideas of what is important, but this is actually quite normal. The reason for this, is that there are those of us who have idols or people who we look up to, such as a mentor. These people may influence us with their own basic values that differ from our own. Being that we look up to these people, we tend to sometimes place their beliefs above our own. The important thing is to recognize the discrepancy between the importance of our mentors beliefs and beliefs that we find important and put them into perspective accordingly. Trying to meet other people’s ideas of success and ignoring our own will lead to exhaustion and leave you unhappy, not to mention unsuccessful. Once you reach the realization of what is truly important to you, you will have taken the first major step toward achieving your own personal success.

It is a very important step to recognize your weaknesses and equally important that once you recognize them not to hide behind them. Realizing that other people’s belief systems are as important to them, as ours are to us. We must also realize that we live in a society in which accepting other people’s beliefs is a part of every day life. Certain personality types are well suited to accomplishing particular tasks. Realizing this is another step toward success personal growth and transformation.

4. Spirituality and Success

There are many hurdles and obstacles in our way, that hamper our attempts to succeed. Many of these obstacles are from external sources in our daily life, however, there are just as many that come from within ourselves. We have a tendency to deal with negative people and situations by reacting before we think the situation through properly. The majority of the time, when face with such a situation, one reacts purely out of emotion without considering the repercussions.

Success is reached much easier through working with spirituality. Approaching life’s daily situations with a spiritual aspect involves everyone and ends in a win-win result. Spirituality will also connect you with other spiritual people who can help with your goals of being successful.

5. Subconscious Mind and Success

The subconscious mind can manifest itself in many ways. The most common of which is an original successful idea, that through positive “vibes” can eventually further manifest into reality. As someone who is seeking success through personal development, it is left up to you to properly train your mind to successfully reach your personal goals.

Emotions can deeply affect your subconscious mind, in that when you associate anything with a particular emotion, then every time you subconsciously think about that thing, you will subconsciously experience that emotion. For example, I have a website and when someone subscribes to my site, I get a small jolt of energy. So, that jolt of energy that I experience when I get a subscriber, is a positive vibe that is subconsciously associated with my website, however, it works the other way too though. A negative experience can have just as profound effect on your subconscious as well.

This article is written by Edward Micknius for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com


Harnessing Your Psychic Power for Emotional Success

Harnessing Your Psychic Power for Emotional Success

‘Psychic power’ often conjure ideas of spiritual mediums, clairvoyants and telepathy, and while there are those with the special ability to see deeper into worlds most of us find difficult to comprehend, psychic power relates more to understanding who you are in the grand scheme of things, and your ability to harness that power and apply understanding into personal growth and emotional success.

The word ‘psychic’ is a derivative of ‘psyche’, which encompasses the soul, mind and spirit – the three most important elements that make you – you. If any part of the inner-you is unhappy, in turmoil, or even a little lost, your intrinsic balance is undermined and will affect not only your internal well-being but the adverse effects will flow into all aspects of your life.

Introspection creates awareness, and is the first step in understanding where you are personally and where you want to be, but without cognitive action, introspection can produce an oppositional effect – it can sometimes begin a spiral of negativity that is difficult to overcome. Introspection must come with action; make your first goal moving forward to forge balance and harmony within. That decision alone will set you on the path of positive thinking that is the foundation for all future goals.

One of the crucial structures of understanding is accepting that we, as a people, are a fundamentally flawed species – this isn’t a negative thought process, but one that distinguishes our ability to make changes. Perfection is an unrealistic ideal pervaded by the media and entertainment industries, and society’s misconception that perfection equals happiness. Perfection is an unattainable goal – it will continue to change as society dictates. Striving for emotional and spiritual happiness will bring an inner peace that will far exceed any notion of ‘perfection’.

Emotional happiness must begin with yourself; if you are unhappy with who you are, this negativity will show through in your demeanor and outward appearance. Reliance on others for your happiness may work for a while, but you know in your heart and mind, that this type of happiness won’t last, nor will it create contentment. This journey is one you must make for yourself, and doing so with bring a sense of accomplishment and confidence that all will see.

Belief in yourself, and belief in your ability to make changes for your personal betterment should not have negative connotations but be drawn from a positive outlook. The best and most honest conversations are those we have with ourselves; encourage, don’t berate. Instead of “No one listens to me”, say: “I am strong and independent, I matter”. Don’t tell yourself: “I’m unhealthy and lazy”, be kind and truthful: “I am deserving of a healthy lifestyle”.

By changing the way we ‘speak’ to ourselves, we encourage a change in attitude, and with that comes a change in outlook and action. Happiness begins within, treat your inner-self as you would treat others – with kindness and respect. When you feel those negative thoughts rising inside you, stop and say ‘no’. Say it aloud if you have to. Giving voice to the positive strengthens its hold, and is the start of rewiring your thought-process for affirmative change.

By tapping into your positive psyche, by harnessing your positive psychic power and using it rid yourself of the negative influences of your inner-being, the changes to your life and relationships will flow naturally to not only the relationship you have with yourself, but the relationships you have with those in your life.

Altering your negative psyche will not happen overnight, it’s a journey that begins with one small but amazing step on which you build. Set achievable goals to build inner positivity, and like a well-tended garden, you will flourish.

A simple exercise is to write down your negative thoughts and feelings towards yourself, take a black marker and strike them through, literally destroying them. Then rewrite the positive, say it aloud and breathe new life into it. Make it your own. Any time those negative thoughts rear their head, strike them down. Your positive psychic power will grow stronger, louder, until it’s the only voice you hear.

Conquering negativity doesn’t just change your inner-self, but your outer presence. Negative thoughts physically drag at you; they pull your shoulders lower, drop your head and make it difficult to look people in the eye; smiles are infrequent, and there’s a tendency to avoid social gatherings.

Positivity strengthens your inner-self, and when you accomplish the goals of affirmative psychic action, your sense of accomplishment and self-belief creates a sub-conscious change in the way you carry yourself. Positive cognitive action produces confidence, and that confidence will lift your shoulders, you will hold your head a little higher and your smiles will be heartfelt and joyful.

The way you present yourself to the world comes more from within – you will look happy and content whether you’re wearing a suit, jeans or your pajamas. It shows in your face, in your demeanor, and it’s this inner peace that will draw people to you. By harnessing your positive psychic power for internal happiness, you attract external happiness.

When you say no to the negativity and embrace the positivity, you create a confidence in yourself, a love of who you are, and an understanding of your inner wealth. Love and acceptance of who you are will banish those niggling doubts and self-misconceptions, and when you don’t accept the negative, those around you and those you meet, won’t either.

Inner happiness and contentment have a flow-on effect to all aspects of your life. When the relationship you have with yourself is a strong, positive one, then the relationships you have with family and friends strengthen in their positivity. The affirmative cognitive action you take will have others view you with the same respect you show yourself – and you should accept no less.

Achieving inner harmony creates self-confidence that will work as an armor against any negative influences. You understand that you are deserving of happiness and respect, and your achievements are indicative of your strength of character and resolve.

It’s this resolve that will show you that you can do anything you set your mind to. You’ve harnessed your positive psychic power for inner peace and happiness, now go apply it to all aspects of your life: love, health, relationships and work, and be an inspiration to not only yourself, but to others as well.

This article is written by Amanda McKenzie Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com

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